We have already completed our fourth MS Teams workshop, in a series on current topics. On Wednesday January 20 from 4.30 - 6.00 PM we dealt with the theme: Working from home, curse or blessing. In this Corona period, most of our members are tied to working from home. Also for the longer term (partly) working from home seems to be the work pattern. But what does this mean for you personally, for the effectiveness of your work. What is your opinion?

The workshop was a success, lots of interaction, suggestions.

The conclusions from the workshop:

  1. Working from home will remain a permanent aspect of our work pattern. The policy regarding employment conditions at the companies will have to be adjusted accordingly.
  2. Every company is working on this, some fairly proactive, others hesitant. Partly because people are still searching about what should be arranged.
  3. The unions play an important role here, in picking up the signals from the members, to see what is being arranged elsewhere, and to bring this into the negotiations in the works council or at the collective labor agreement table.
  4. The first aspects that draw attention are the ergonomic aspects of the workplace at home, where the legal frameworks are decisive, it is up to the company to make the move and the Works Council monitors this critically.
  5. But, during the workshop it turned out that people are mainly concerned about how the effectiveness of the work is arranged and about how contacts between colleagues and with the manager will go. How do we ensure interaction and how does the manager get a picture of the performance and career expectations of the employee. And how new employees can be trained.
  6. In the event of bottlenecks, the logical sequence is: discuss with the manager, put them on the agenda in the department meeting and, if necessary, raise them with the Works Council - company doctor.
  7. Conclusions from the survey of 55 participants:
    1. The vast majority work almost full-time from home, and believe that this will enable them to fulfill the role effectively.
    2. In addition to ergonomics and planning with partner and children, interaction with colleagues is experienced as a great loss.